I am Woman

January 24, 2017 0 Comments

Hi Everyone! Yes I am alive. I know it’s been quite some time since you’ve heard from men but truthfully I hadn’t been inspired to write anything. Until now. So first things first, Happy 2017 y’all! Now to talk about what has brought me out of hiding.

Secondly, let me just say I am a feminist, EVERYDAY. Contrary to belief the word “feminist” is not a bad word. As you all know, a certain person who shall not be named was sworn in as The President of the United States last week. You also probably know that the next day millions of women across the world marched for equality and against the new leader of the free world who would like to do away with many laws and programs like Planned Parenthood. What has been troubling to me is the number of posts I’ve seen from women who are AGAINST this cause.  Did I march? Nope. Why do you ask? For one: safety, two: I think it’s a little too late.  Do I respect and understand the women who did march? Indeed. The biggest argument I’ve seen against the movement is between the pro-lifers vs. the pro- choicers.  Now this is a very touchy subject. Some religions state that a woman should only engage in sexual intercourse if the goal is to reproduce. Some of the same religions are against birth control for that same reason. In case anyone hadn’t noticed we are currently in the year 2017 and you know what, times are a changing. Now if you choose to live your life by those rules that’s great but everyone doesn’t march to that same drum.  The key word here is CHOICE. We all have a choice to live the lives we want the way we want. I happen to be pro-choice. Now someone will read this and say, “OMG she’s pro-abortion!” WRONG. I just don’t think the government should be involved in these matters. Government run primarily by men mind you. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

In the crowds I noticed a lot of children. Although a very historical event, I don’t think it was the place for children but you know what? The parents CHOSE to bring their kids and that is their right.  What boggles me is the T_ _ _P supporters who sat at home looking at the TV in disgust over the language used by some protesters, You know what? Everything isn’t for everybody. It’s like the person who complains about being bullied on social media when you don’t HAVE to be on social media, you CHOOSE to be.  Don’t like what’s on TV? Turn it off. I also saw a lot of posts from black women who chose not to participate because it was a ‘white woman march.” No matter what race, if you are a woman this march is about YOU. It was a powerful image to see all these women around the world UNITED.  However, my biggest question was  “Where were all of these people when it was time to vote?” But here’s what I know, there was a lot of people who didn’t vote for him but there were also a lot of people, WOMEN especially, who did. This is what we’re dealing with folks and it hasn’t even been a week yet. Will the march matter? Only time will tell but it sent one hell of a message, and to me that’s a start.


January 24, 2017